quote 45
چهار شنبه 16 آبان 1403
بازدید: 1
My father passed away twelve years ago after living for about two billion seconds. Yesterday a friend sent me a photo of him I have never seen. The picture looked so fresh and of course to me so precious. I was pondering this picture is definitely not my Father. It is a virtual frame of his real image. Today that he exists no more, this virtual shape of my father means more than the whole world to me. Maybe more than anything I have or any human alive around. In the most optimistic view, this photo shows just a second of all those billion seconds he had lived. Just a part of that soulless image, one dimension, an angle of a second of his whole life and is still that precious; then how much is a living Father worth really?
Author: Mehdi MirAzimi
Converter: Niaz Rousta
One Page Book
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